methane |
- A greenhouse gas (GHG) emitted from manmade sources. Capturing
and using methane can offer opportunities to generate new sources
of clean energy and also mitigate global climate change.
Anaerobe |
- An organism, such as a bacterium, that can live in the absence
of atmospheric oxygen.
Biofuels |
- A wide range of biofuels derived from biomass material.
Bioethanol |
- Ethanol made from biomass feedstocks.
Biorefineries |
- Similar to petroleum refineries but uses biological material
instead of petroleum or other fossil sources to produce
transportation fuels, chemicals, heat and power.
Bolt-on |
- A plant that is integrated with an existing production
Cassava |
- A tropical, perennial shrub most commonly associated with
tapioca. The stalk and leaves can be used as cellulosic feedstocks.
The root is used for food.
Cellulosic/Lignocellulosic ethanol |
- Cellulosic feedstocks – non-food portion of
renewable feedstocks such as cereal straws and corn stover (leaves
and stems) or dedicated energy crops
- Lignocellulosic feedstocks – largely
refers to woody biomass energy crops such as switchgrass, crop and
forestry residues such as corn stover. Contains a high lignin
content, hemicellulose and cellulose.
Co-product |
- A marketable by-product that is usually manufactured together
or sequentially with another product e.g. biofuel.
- Distillers Dried Grains and Solubles, a cereal by-product of
brewing cereal grains to produce alcohol e.g. ethanol.
Ethanol |
- Also called ethyl alcohol, pure alcohol, grain alcohol or
drinking alcohol. A volatile, flammable, colourless liquid.
cellulases |
- Endogenous is derived from the Greek word meaning “from
within”. Cellulases are enzymes that work on disassembling the
cellulose material for fermentation. Endogenous cellulases
naturally occur in the TMO Organism and reduce the amount of
external enzymes that have to be added during the TMO
Fractionation |
- Seperation of material into different parts or fractions.
anaerobe |
- An organism, usually a bacterium, capable of producing energy
in the presence and absence of oxygen depending on the amounts of
oxygen and fermentable material in the environment.
Geobacillus |
- Describes a specific group (or genus) of thermophilic
Hemicelluloses |
- One of a group of complex carbohydrates that surround the
cellulose fibres of plant cells. Hemicelluloses have no chemical
relationship to cellulose.
Hydrolysis |
- A process where a chemical compound is broken down by reaction
with water in the presence of enzymes. For example, the conversion
of cellulosic materials into fermentable sugars by the addition of
specific enzymes.
TMO Molecular
Toolkit |
- A set of techniques developed by TMO to “engineer” organisms to
deliver a wide variety of valuable products e.g. biofuels.
- Municipal Solid Waste. Also known as garbage, rubbish or trash.
It usually consists of glass, metals, plastics, cardboard, organics
and debris.
Oligomer/Oligomeric |
- Describes a molecule made up of several smaller repeating units
- Process Demonstration Unit
Pretreatment |
- Treatment of material to prepare it for further processing such
as enzyme hydrolysis.
- Renewable Energy Directive. An EU Policy laying down targets
for renewables to 2020 across member states.
Biology |
- Biological research combining biology and engineering to design
and build biological functions and systems.
Thermophile/thermophilic |
- Microorganisms that grow and thrive in warm or hot conditions,
usually 45°C to 80°C.
TM242 |
- The name given to the TMO Organism.
First generation
biofuels |
- Produced by fermenting plant-derived sugars, using a similar
process to that used in beer and wine-making. Uses food crops such
as sugar cane, corn, wheat and sugar beet.
Second generation
biofuels |
- Produced by fermenting plant-derived sugars, using a similar
process to that used in beer and wine-making. Uses non-food sources
such as agricultural and forestry waste and municipal solid